Bunnies and rainbows and clouds made of cotton candy.

Once upon a time, in a magical land far beyond the clouds, there was a hidden meadow called Rainbow Valley. It was a special place where the clouds were made of cotton candy, the rainbows were as bright as jewels, and adorable bunnies hopped around all day long.

One sunny afternoon, a curious little bunny named Luna decided she wanted to touch the top of a rainbow. “I bet it’s as soft as the cotton candy clouds!” she thought, hopping up and down with excitement. Luna was always up for an adventure, and today was no different. So, she gathered her bunny friends—Snowball, Flopsy, and Hazel—and together, they bounced all the way to the rainbow’s edge.

When they reached the rainbow, something magical happened. As they touched the sparkling colors, the rainbow began to giggle! “Hee-hee! That tickles!” said the rainbow. Luna and her friends gasped in surprise. “Wow! I didn’t know rainbows could talk!” Luna exclaimed.

“Of course, I can!” the rainbow laughed. “And if you climb to my top, I’ll show you something even more magical.”

Excited, Luna and the bunnies hopped, skipped, and leaped up the rainbow’s arches, each step feeling like bouncing on pillows. When they finally reached the top, they looked down and saw the cotton candy clouds floating beneath them. “You can eat the clouds!” said the rainbow with a wink.

With wide eyes, the bunnies dove into the fluffy clouds, nibbling away. “Mmm! Strawberry and blueberry flavors!” Luna said, her paws sticky from the sweetness. As they feasted, the bunnies giggled and spun around in circles, their fur sparkling with sugar and rainbows.

After their delicious adventure, the sun began to set, painting the sky with pinks, purples, and oranges. The bunnies, full of cotton candy and happiness, slid back down the rainbow and landed softly on the meadow.

That night, as they snuggled together under the stars, Luna smiled. “I knew rainbows were special, but today was the best adventure ever.”

And with that, they all drifted off to sleep, dreaming of more magical days in Rainbow Valley, where bunnies, cotton candy clouds, and giggling rainbows would always be waiting.

The End.

About the Author


I'm just a dorky guy who married an awesome girl and I get the privilege of waking up every day next to my best friend. As you can tell I like to geocache and love working with all kinds of technology and other fun stuff. I am a huge nerd, but hey, it pays the bills!

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