Tell me a bedtime story for a 9 year old girl about a bunny rabbit that eats a lot of beans.

Once upon a time, in a meadow full of wildflowers and tall grasses, there lived a small, fluffy bunny named Bella. Bella was the sweetest bunny in the meadow, with soft brown fur and big, twinkling eyes. But there was one thing everyone knew about Bella that made her stand out from the other bunnies: she loved beans.

While most bunnies snacked on carrots, lettuce, and clover, Bella only had eyes for beans—red beans, black beans, green beans, and even baked beans. Her love for beans was so great that she had a special bean garden of her own, filled with all kinds of beans that she had planted herself.

One sunny day, Bella invited her friends over for a picnic. There was Charlie the squirrel, who loved acorns, Lily the deer, who adored fresh berries, and Ollie the owl, who preferred tasty worms (though he kept that a secret from the others). They all gathered around Bella’s favorite spot near her bean garden, excited to see what kind of feast she had prepared.

“Ta-da!” Bella exclaimed as she brought out a huge basket full of beans. There were bean salads, bean casseroles, and even bean-shaped cookies for dessert.

“Uh, Bella,” Charlie said, scratching his head. “Don’t you think that’s… a lot of beans?”

Bella giggled. “Of course! Beans are the best! They give me energy to hop higher and run faster. Plus, they taste amazing!”

Her friends laughed and decided to give the beans a try. Soon enough, they were all munching happily on Bella’s bean dishes. But Bella, being the biggest bean lover of all, ate more beans than anyone else—so many beans that her little tummy started to rumble.

“Uh-oh,” Bella said, her ears twitching. “I think I ate too many beans.”

Suddenly, Bella felt herself lift off the ground, not from hopping, but from the beans making her tummy feel extra bubbly! She floated up just a few inches, her little paws wiggling in the air. Her friends gasped and stared in surprise.

“Bella!” Lily giggled. “You’re flying!”

“Oh no!” Bella squeaked. “How do I get down?”

Ollie the owl flapped his wings and flew up to her. “I think you just need to let out a little pffft,” he said, trying not to laugh.

Bella blushed and wiggled her nose. She let out a tiny pffft sound, and to her relief, she gently floated back down to the ground.

Her friends burst out laughing, and soon Bella was laughing, too.

“Well,” she said, “maybe I’ll have a few less beans next time!”

From that day on, Bella learned to balance her love for beans with the other yummy foods in the meadow. She still loved her beans, of course, but now she shared her garden with her friends, growing all kinds of different snacks. And every time they had a picnic, her friends would remind her to go easy on the beans, just in case she started floating again!

And so, Bella the bunny lived happily, hopping around her bean garden, with her paws firmly on the ground—most of the time.

The end.

About the Author


I'm just a dorky guy who married an awesome girl and I get the privilege of waking up every day next to my best friend. As you can tell I like to geocache and love working with all kinds of technology and other fun stuff. I am a huge nerd, but hey, it pays the bills!

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