Food, friend or foe?

Michael and I completely changed the way we ate and shopped about 3 weeks ago and I gotta tell you, the difference has been shocking. We are both foodies and my mom has taught me a lot about healthy cooking, healthy eating and the value of all things natural. We take herbs and vitamins, try to eat right, drink water, stay away from junk food…I thought we were doing good…until I saw Food Inc.

Food Inc is a documentary on the food industry. I had heard that it was very informational so we rented it from Blockbuster. Wow, we were not prepared for the typhoon of information that is in that movie. After going to a chiropractor and naturalists for most of my life, I considered myself to be pretty educated when it came to food and natural wellness. However, my knowledge only served to scratch the surface of the cesspool we call the food industry.

To begin with, did you know that the chicken on your plate was raised in the dark? Yes, that “healthy” white meat, skinless, grilled chicken breast was once part of a chicken who grew up in a sunless, dirty, fecal filled environment. The reason why it’s so “nice and big” is that it was shot up with so much growth hormones that it could no longer walk for the weight of the breasts. Now you are eating it. All the artificial hormones and antibiotics and filth are in your body. Still sound healthy to you?

How about Beef? They do keep them outside in nice grassy pastures with red barns and farmers on tractors, right? Nope.  They aren’t raised in the dark like the chickens, they are raised outside. Outside in overcrowded pens so that they can easily share whatever one cow might become sick with.  They are ankle deep in they’re own poop which becomes caked on their hides and ultimately infects the meat when it is cut. But! the cows are fed corn which is all natural and healthy right? Wrong again. Cows are not supposed to feed on corn but it is chosen for them because it is the cheapest feed available. Grass is the natural choice for cows, did you know that if we fed them grass for only 5 days that their guts would naturally kill the E.coli bacteria that breeds in corn fed cows?

Ok, so you’re fine with those problems because the USDA will protect us right? ERRRRR /buzzer. Wrong, yet again. The USDA’s idea of protecting us from the bacteria, filth, and illnesses found in our meat is to wash it…in AMMONIA. But don’t blame it all on them yet. The USDA does regulate the expiration dates on perishable food and does inspections on the plants. However, here’s the kicker, the government has stripped them of their power to shut down plants that are selling tainted meat. Still feel protected now?

So to wrap this up…unless you are eating organic, free range, grass fed beef and grain fed chicken, you are choosing to risk your health with hormones, antibiotics, bleaching agents, E.coli, and who knows what else.

As a result of all this, Michael and I have decided to go 100% organic/free range in our meat and dairy products. It is much more expensive but if you truly desire to be healthy, you will find a way to make it work. For us, this means eating vegetarian when eating out, supplementing our meals at home with more beans and fish, and careful meal planning. No more artificial anything in my kitchen!

Please, educate yourself on what you are putting in your body. It is worth the effort when you begin to feel better and have more energy. Personally, I have felt better in the last 2 weeks than I have in a long time. I have energy to work out, I am sleeping better, and my digestive system is the best it’s ever been. Watch Food Inc, read the book, do some research, there is so much to learn and it is our responsibility to empower ourselves. I promise, you will feel better and it will be worth it!!

About the Author


I am a homeschooling, stay at home mom of four amazing humans which I co-created with the help of my husband of 15+ years, Michael. We love family, good food, big laughs, and getting into trouble together. We have no idea what we are doing, but we love each other and we love Jesus!

"We may not have it all together; but together, we have everything."

2 thoughts on “Food, friend or foe?

  1. Hey Holly,
    Isn’t that movie great! We watched it a while ago and it reaffirmed our Organic/Local decisions. Crazy the stuff they do to our food. Thanks for this post!


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