productivity vs TV

It’s no secret that I have been home and out of work for a couple years now. When I got sick and ended up with Fibro and thyroid issues, I lost my job at the school and have been home ever since. I have had some work watching kids and anything else I can get my hands on but there are times where my only real function is to keep the house and cook and take care of the hubs. It’s not the way I pictured my life but it’s what God gave me and I am really very blessed that God gave my hubs the ability to support us both financially.

I think of myself as a modern Betty Crocker. Don’t get me wrong, I do not wear skirts and lipstick while I vacuum, but I do enjoy cleaning and home-making. Michael says I have “Monica moments” because I can’t stand a mess…it must be cleaned as soon as possible. You could say that it’s a little OCD but whatever, it’s not like I always keep everything perfect. Just today I folded 3 loads of laundry that have been living on the love seat for a couple days lol!

Anyways, my car is on loan at the moment so that leaves me at home a lot and I have discovered a major weakness of mine. The TV. It seriously steals way too much of my time. I excuse myself by claiming that I don’t sit and watch it and that I need the background noise. Well, being a Dave Ramsey fan, I’ve been feeling a little guilty about the cable bill and have started thinking about canceling it. So as a test, I have left the TV off on purpose today and only put in a movie to listen to as I did my chores. What a difference!! I got so much more done and gave a lot more thought to what I was doing.

Ugh, I swear, the older I get, the more I sound like my mom…but it turns out that she was/is right about mostly everything that used to make me roll my eyes. Distractions like TV really do slow down your day and suck away a ton of time. When my mind isn’t full of the plot of the show I am watching, there is a lot more mental room for focusing on how I can be more productive. I guess our parents really did have a point to all those rules growing up…but you didn’t hear that from me.

As for today, the dishes are done, my closet is clean, the laundry is folded and put away, the animals are taken care of and now I can work on my beading without the guilt of uncompleted chores. Not bad for 2:30pm!! Beads, here I come!!

About the Author


I am a homeschooling, stay at home mom of four amazing humans which I co-created with the help of my husband of 15+ years, Michael. We love family, good food, big laughs, and getting into trouble together. We have no idea what we are doing, but we love each other and we love Jesus!

"We may not have it all together; but together, we have everything."

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