Partners in Crime

Isn’t it weird how relationships change over time? We all know that most friendships come and go but family is forever, but even within the family, relationships can change dramatically over the years. The parent/child relationship changes a lot as we mature and leave the nest but the most severe changes can occur within the siblings. So far, the biggest changes for me have occurred with my brother Tim.

When we were little kids, Tim and I were best friends. We dug for gold (aka – orange clay) in the back yard together, we jumped into mud puddles together, we basically did everything together. Then as we became teenagers, oh boy did things change! The two of us became mortal enemies. Of course, this was all his fault as I was an angel. But wow, the fights we got into were horrible. I think I would’ve been faster to kiss a snake than to talk to him and vise versa.  He used to provoke me to the point that I would get loud and then guess who got in trouble? Yes, I will forever hold that one over his head.

But over the last few years, as we have both become adults, our relationship has come full circle and we are back to being best buds. I have the privilege of being a part of a wonderful family and both of my other siblings, Cindy and Lory, are super special to me as well (love you girls!) but Tim and I seem to be the most alike in general. Some may call it more of a partners in crime friendship…I guess that might be closer to the truth!

Anyways, Tim came over to spend an impromptu weekend with Michael and we had a total blast. He is leaving to go back to school soon and we are going to miss him so much! So, here’s to awesome weekends and summers and to siblings who fight the hardest and end up laughing even harder. Love ya Bubba!

About the Author


I am a homeschooling, stay at home mom of four amazing humans which I co-created with the help of my husband of 15+ years, Michael. We love family, good food, big laughs, and getting into trouble together. We have no idea what we are doing, but we love each other and we love Jesus!

"We may not have it all together; but together, we have everything."

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